Wednesday, September 9, 2015


We've probably all seen those tv shows where the kids who play an instrument in the school band are always super geeky, no-personality, popular-kid wannabes - essentially portrayed as "losers." I probably don't have to tell you that tv couldn't be further from reality. I was a high school band geek - and prior to that I was a middle school band geek. My instrument of choice: the clarinet. My clarinet has been with me through the middle school marching band, pep band, pit orchestra, and, of course, my high school concert band (and a taste of symphonic orchestra). Did that make me a "loser"? Did that mean that I envied the popular kids who weren't in band? Absolutely not! In fact I couldn't be more proud of my dedication to music. Unfortunately my college schedule doesn't allow me the time to be part of any musical group on campus, however, here are reasons why I'm proud to be a former band geek:

1. I appreciate the classics more
Many people today think of the classics as really old music with no words, no music videos, and no Beyonce - essentially people have a distaste for the classics. Being in band for as long as I have, we are constantly exposed to old pieces - we have to be able to perform them inside and out for concerts, after all! Some pieces that I have rehearsed from band actually remain as some of my all time favorite songs! I kid you not! I enjoy pieces like the 1812 Overture, The Grand March from 'Aida', and many more. You're probably like...what... but these pieces are really spectacular! The coolest part is that we band geeks get to see how it all comes together instrument by instrument; member by member. 

2. I discovered more composers
Quick - you have two seconds to name three musical composers! 
I bet my California roll that you said "Mozart," "Bach," and...yeah, exactly. Maybe you were able to throw in some Vivaldi...or maybe not. Mozart and Bach are very well known names but some people still wouldn't be able to tell you exactly what they composed. As a band geek I was introduced to numerous composers that I love as much as I love 5 Seconds of Summer and Fall Out Boy! Yes, you read right! One of my favorite composers is Steven Reineke, who is also the conductor of the NY Pops Orchestra. He composes absolutely amazing pieces such as The Witch and the Saint, Goddess of Fire, Sedona, and Fate of the Gods. Many of his pieces are centered around some kind of world mythology (fantastic theme!) and tells the audience a story - we, the band members, get to be part of that story! And fyi, my high school band got to meet Steven Reineke and he conducted us for the day! =) 

Fun fact that I learned in my high school concert band: Gershwin attended my high school! This news caused several jaws to drop during class, as we were rehearsing one of his medleys for a performance. Gershwin is famous for Broadway musicals such as Guys and Dolls and Porgy and Bess. Anyway, being in band for several years taught me that there's more to music than Mozart and Tchaikovsky and way more to music than Chris Brown and Kelly Clarkson. 

3. Music became a source of inspiration 
You're probably rolling your eyes right now and whispering to yourself "This girl is full of b.s." but I KID YOU NOT I AM 110% SERIOUS ABOUT THIS - the music I played in band literally became an inspiration to me!! There have been many times when I had to write an essay describing something such as a passion or about art and I opted to write about the story behind my high school band pieces. I was never denied acceptance into any program for which I chose band music as the focus of my essay. The feedback I was given on those papers was that they were always well-written and very vivid and really showcased the passion behind the music. It was a subject I could write pages on! I never didn't know what to say about music in an essay. 

4. I got great study music
It's not uncommon to see college kids bobbing their heads to the music blasting through their headphones while studying from a textbook or typing feverishly at their computers. If you were to ask students what song they were listening to, 9 times out of 10 you'd have a reply that consisted of some kind of rap song, some kind of Beyonce song, or any other songs with lyrics. After band, I realized that I actually prefer to study to the pieces I've performed in the past. These songs have NO lyrics - only instrumental - which means that I'm way less likely to be distracted by the words in the song so I can pay more attention to the words from my lecture notes! 

5. One instrument is never enough
The clarinet gave me an amazing start - I really hit the ground running with that instrument! Ever since band I feel the need to practice other instruments such as the saxophone (tenor is my favorite!!) and explore string instruments such as the violin. I have friends who own several instruments because they had such amazing experiences with their first one. It really motivates you to keep playing - more than one instrument if possible!

6. I want to hear the band arrangements for all of my favorite songs
Now I'm talking about Beyonce, Kelly Clarkson, and modern artists. After band, I'm always curious as to what my favorite modern soundtracks would sound like if all the electric guitars and modern sound were replaced with clarinets, saxophones, trumpets, and trombones. Thanks to YouTube I have found some really great arrangements for songs such as Call Me Maybe, Set Fire to the Rain, and Love Me Like You Do (SO AMAZING!) Even after I graduated from high school, I still went back for the winter concert last year and our symphonic orchestra was performing the opening theme to Game of Thrones and it was absolutely spectacular! I could listen to it all day long! 

Sigh. Good times, good times. Band has never, ever let me down! If you have something you're passionate about, keep supporting your passion! Until next time! =) 

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