Sunday, September 13, 2015


*note: this is an extension of my previous post on 6 Reasons Why Not Wearing Eye Makeup Feels Great! 

If you know me, you probably know that I’m never not wearing my eyeliner-mascara combo. Like many other college girls on campus, I rock my winged liner to class daily, complete with enough mascara to give me jumbo eyelashes. Maybe I’ll wear some eyeshadow here and there - maybe. Today I decided that my eyes should go naked for a change and that change was quite pleasant! I took on the day’s challenges without my Maybelline Mega Plush mascara. Here are some times when you were able to breathe easy without your eye makeup on:  

1. When you can touch your eyes freely.
This is a major plus if it’s allergy season and your eyes are itching like crazy! Throughout the day if I felt the need to rub my eye, I didn’t have to worry about smudging my eyeliner because I wasn’t wearing any! We’ve probably all been there at some point during our makeup journeys - we have to touch our eyes for whatever reason but we have to be extra cautious (and extra annoyed) with it because we don’t want to ruin our eye makeup. Not today! 

2. When you aren’t concerned with how you look.
This was interesting for me because I usually tend to wear a lot of makeup and my college life basically consists of people seeing me in eye makeup all the time. Girls who tend to do the same thing might be inclined to feel a little insecure without it, however, I didn’t once wonder how good or bad I looked today. My looks were so far out of my head since I didn’t have to wonder if my eyeliner still looked a flawless as it did when I first applied it. 

3. When you don’t waste time making sure your mascara doesn’t clump. 
Mascara can trick us all from time to time. One day you might get the perfect application, complete with the right amounts of length, volume, and curl and then somedays you might mess up slightly and end up with clumpy eyelashes. I doubt most girls are a fan of their mascara making their eyelashes look like giant spider legs and de-clumping can be a real pain in the butt!

4. When you don’t end up with mascara marks on your brow bone. 
Raise your hand if this has happened to you at least a few times - you apply mascara and the wand accidentally touches your brow bone, leaving black marks above your eye. Anyone have kleenex? Situation two: your eyelashes are so long that they sometimes touch your skin and leave mascara marks. It happens - you’re not alone! Did I get any mascara on my brow bone today? Absolutely not. 

5. When you don’t get mascara smudges on your glasses. 
I don’t wear glasses (except for my go-to sunglasses) but I can imagine how annoying it must be to take off your glasses and see black streaks on the lenses. This can happen when you wear glasses but the mascara makes your eyelashes super long. Then you’d have to curl them so they’re less likely to touch the lenses. That’s literally double the work! 

6. When you don’t have to swirl the wand to get product out. 
I’ll admit it - I’m a swirler. It irks me when I pull my mascara wand out of the tube to apply product to my eyelashes and it seems as though there’s barely anything on the wand. It sometimes makes me wonder if there’s even any product left inside the tube! If you also tend to vigorously swirl the wand inside the tube to get product out, rest assured that you’ll skip that step for the day. 

7. When no creasing means no problem. 
Sometimes when we wear eyeshadow it tends to crease after a while, which ends up making our masterpieces look unclean and the opposite of pretty - a disgrace to our amazing makeup skills! Whatever gorgeously wild color combination you might have played with barely stood a chance. Creasing can be one of your worst enemies when you’re rocking eyeshadow - it’ll make sure you don’t rock it too long! Without adding eyeshadow, creasing is literally nonexistent. 

8. When you don’t end up with overly-smoky eyes. 
Yes, there IS such a thing as an overly-smoky eye! It’s not intentional of course, but sometimes we just go a little overboard - especially if we’re a bit heavy handed. Smoky eyes can sometimes be tricky to get the hang of, anyway. Luckily, if you’re taking the day off from eye makeup, it won’t matter if you usually fail at smoky eyes (like I do!) Ahhh, a breath of fresh air! 

9. When you don’t under-blend your eyeshadow. 
Ever try to recreate colorfully gorgeous eyeshadow from Tumblr or Pinterest except when  you do it it’s just sections of blue, green, yellow, and purple sitting on your eyelids rather than a harmonious blend of the shadows resting gracefully on your eyelids? Yeah. So have I. If you don’t make a grab for the eyeshadow you run the risk of not accidentally making yourself look like a clown! Don’t get me wrong, clowns are cute, too - when they’re at the circus and people know they’re makeup is done that way on purpose. 

10. When you just can’t get that Tumblr eyeshadow look
And you wasted a good fifteen minutes from your morning routine to hopefully nail it! When this happens to me I always shake my head in annoyance and ultimately decide to remove it if it looks far off from what I was trying to achieve. Sigh, all that work for nothing. Here’s a Tumblr look that looks gorgeous and best of all anyone can create it: the no-makeup face. The trick is to just not wear makeup! 

11. When you don’t accidentally poke your eyeball.  
We’ve all gone through that stage when we were first figuring out the eyeliner application process. It was like some sort of “initiation” before we became good at putting on eyeliner. We probably look back at our naive high school eyeliner days and laugh but it’s not impossible for it to happen to us again. If you’re planning to skip the eyeliner for the day then I promise you, you will also skip that slightly-painful-for-ten-seconds poke in the eye. 

12. When you get an even eyeliner application. 
The secret is not wearing eyeliner! Have you ever had those mornings where you do perfect eyeliner on one eye and try to recreate that perfection on the other eye and it just doesn’t work? One eye has more eyeliner than the other; one eyeliner wing is longer than the other; one wing is shorter than the other - I could go on and on about the numerous ways in which we mess up on our eyeliner. Opting to not wear eyeliner takes away the eyeliner mistakes for the day. I didn’t have to spend time attempting to fix any of my eyeliner mistakes because there were none to make! 

13. When you’re eyeliner decides to relocate to other parts of your face. 
Your eyeliner decided to pull a “Dora the Explorer” on you and is now somewhere by your eyebrow. Stop being so adventurous, eyeliner, I’m trying to look like I know how to apply makeup! It’s a blessed day indeed when you apply your eyeliner in the morning, attend class all day, and return to your room after 10p.m. to find that your eyeliner stayed right where you left it. 

14. When there’s no need to rush your morning routine. 
Eye makeup application can potentially take up a good chunk of your morning routine. We all wish that we can snap our fingers three times and have the world’s most perfect eyeliner sitting on our eyelids, however, that kind of sorcery doesn’t exist in our world. Getting breakfast with a friend but you’re running late because you’re trying to perfectly wing your eyeliner will very likely earn you a few irritated texts. Without eye makeup you can drastically cut your morning routine by a good fifteen to twenty minutes. 

15. When you don’t feel “overly made-up”. 
Sometimes it can be really easy for us to feel like we applied a little too much makeup this morning. Eyeliner and mascara might look great today but tomorrow we might look in the mirror and say that the eyeliner is a bit too much. Don’t ask why we do this, it’s probably just a weird girl thing. This feeling doesn’t exist when you give the eyeliner and mascara a break and truth be told, the feeling of freedom is sweet

16. When the water works come on. 
Maybe you’re a crier - it’s not your fault you’re so in touch with your emotions so why does your makeup have to punish you for it? Maybe you’re like me and you laugh so hard that you have two mini waterfalls coming out of your eyes. Either way, mascara and/or eyeliner can be your worst enemy when the water works come on. You don’t even want to think about how bad it is when you don’t have spare tissue in your pockets! 

17. When people don’t give you weird looks at the gym. 
I’ll admit it, I’m sometimes that girl at the gym who wears eyeliner and mascara while she works out. I sometimes get raised eyebrows in my direction as people wonder why I’m wearing so much makeup when I’m just going to sweat through it all and ruin it. It can sometimes be annoying but it’s nothing a little eye-roll can’t fix. As Taylor Swift once said, “shake it off,” but for the record it’s also a cool day when you aren’t being silently judged for winged eyeliner at the gym. 

18. When you’re pissed off and everything you do is a fail. 
Applying eye makeup when you’re in a bad mood should just be a fire hazard. Just stop, drop the eyeliner, and roll on off to class. Save yourself what little patience you have left and just let your eyelids breathe for the day. You’ll thank yourself tomorrow when you’re in a better mood! 

Winged eyeliner, smoky eyes, colorful eyeshadow, gigantic lashes, and things of the nature are all super pretty but no eye makeup is ALSO pretty! For those days where you throw up your hands in annoyance because you can’t get the winged liner right, or you angrily storm away from your mascara tube because your eyelashes refuse to de-clump, now you have 18 great reasons to feel great about skipping the makeup routine for a day! 

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