Saturday, September 26, 2015

bareMinerals Blemish Therapy Review

So I was in the market for yet another product that could banish my breakouts in a few days because let's face it - breakouts suck so much and you just want them to disappear as quickly as they appeared! Unfortunately, not everyone has that good fortune and I am clearly not one of those people.

I like an acne product that leaves my skin feeling good and can diminish my acne in, at most, three days. I know, I know, these things take time, there is no such thing as a miracle product, you cannot have overnight results no matter how hard you try, blah, blah, blah. This kind of product is still ideal, however, though unattainable.

In any case, I was shopping around and went to Sephora with a specific product in mind. The Sephora I went to didn't have the product in stock and what they did have didn't seem like it'd be okay with me. So I went to Macy's and browsed around the makeup and skincare section. I laid eyes on the bareMinerals Blemish Therapy. It was packaged in a nice box and I read what was written on the outside. The product contains about 6% sulfur, which I didn't mind since the product I was going to purchase from Sephora also contained sulfur. The directions I read said to swirl the brush in the product and apply to the affected area. Brush? I was skeptical so I took a peek inside the box and, needless to say, there was the small handy brush pictured above and a small pot of product.

Cool, I thought. I had never used a product like this. It was only $18 which was great since I  have spent $80 in the past on a single product for my skin and I was prepared to spend $30 on the product I had originally had in mind. Obviously, $18 was a steal for me!

I got home and opened the package. The cute little applicator brush came out and so did the pot of product. I opened the pack and realized that it was a powder based product - just like blush or something! I was slightly disappointed because I thought it was a cream formula with a fancy applicator brush. I was still determined to give this product a shot.

That night after removing my makeup and going through my skin cleansing routine I applied the powder to my face. I applied the powder as a spot treatment to my enormous breakouts and went to sleep. I awoke to a less red face where my breakouts had slightly diminished. I've been using this product for one week now and have noticed decent results.

When I apply this product I make sure to remove all makeup on my face first with the help of ELF makeup wipes then I cleanse my face with the Acne Free Facial Cleanser. On day that I exfoliate, I use the Tea Tree Oil Exfoliator from The Body Shop. I like washing my face with water as warm a I can handle at first and when I wash the cleanser off I like using really cold water to close my pores again. I pat dry my face.

I use this product twice a day and I do use it under my makeup. I apply my pore minimizer from Benefit to a fresh face and then apply the Blemish Therapy to my spots. I like to let it sit for about three minutes before I proceed to apply my full face foundation.

Now onto the pros and cons...


  • Good price. Like I said, $18 was a good deal for this kind of product. I'm really sick of drugstore products that take three weeks to start working so I'm gravitating towards higher end products which are obviously more expensive, however, this product is pretty cost effective. 
  • Results in a few nights. This is way better than having to wait weeks for results! If you haven't already noticed, I'm super impatient. 
  • Easy to apply. There is nothing complicated about this product, though the fact that it was a powder formula threw me for a second. This is super easy to apply to your face - just get some product on the brush and pat it onto your breakout. 
  • Dries up the breakout. I love the fact that this dries out the breakout without drying out my surrounding skin. I generally have oily skin, however, in recent months it has been neither oily nor dry. 
  • Small breakouts are gone overnight. If you have tiny breakouts then you will definitely see them gone by the next morning! I love that about this product! At the same time I did have bigger breakouts which took longer to diminish. 

  • Needs a bigger pot. I can definitely see myself needing to repurchase in three weeks or less since I apply a generous amount of this product twice a day everyday. If I can get my product to last me a good month and a half to two months before repurchasing then this is a good plus for me. 
  • Stronger formula needed. This is probably me being impatient but anyone who has suffered with their skin problems totally has the undeniable right to be impatient here!! Though the current formula gets the job done in about a week or less I feel that a stronger formula would deliver even quicker results and thus even happier customers!! =) 
I don't have many cons on this product, which is a really good thing because I can be very critical of products! The product does smell of sulfur, however, it is of a very tolerable strength so I'm not listing it as a con.

I hope you all found this review helpful and will try this interesting acne product. The golden question: Will I repurchase? Yes, very likely!

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