Friday, September 18, 2015


I used to be a big Skittles lover. The enticing little pebbles came in all the deliciously sweet colors of the rainbow and, to top off the experience, the candies had a crunchy shell and soft inside - the ultimate mindblower for a seven year-old. Though I don't like Skittles anymore, I decided to pay homage to the popular candy by doing this makeup look.

Now, first things first, I am so clearly NOT a professional makeup artist so don't mind whatever tiny mistakes I might've made if you're a professional makeup artist who happens to be reading this (if you are, WOW, I am super honored!) but if you don't see anything wrong with my makeup application then yay!

So, I know some people might find it a bit strange that I used a combination of yellow, green, blue, and pink eyeshadow - some people might not even dare leave their room looking like this let alone post a picture to Twitter but I took one for the team and decided to do this to inspire any of y'all who are curious and want to experiment with their eyeshadow a bit.


  1. The first thing I did was was apply eyeshadow primer to my lids and a little under my eyes. I used the original Urban Decay formula to do this. Primer helps your eyeshadow last longer and really good quality primer can help prevent your eyeshadow from creasing. 
  2. I went in with my ELF studio eyeshadow brush and put a generous amount of the bright green color that I drew a heart around in the picture on the bottom left. This eyeshadow palette doesn't name their  shades, unfortunately. I applied this green color to the inner corners of my eyes and to the first quarter of my eyelids. I also applied a bit just under my lower lash line. 
  3. The next color I used was a fun yellow (which actually matches my backpack!). I applied that to the second quarter of my eyelid and blended it a tiny bit with the green. I also applied this color just under my lower lash line like I did with the green. 
  4. Next, I took the bright blue that I also drew a heart around in the picture and I applied that to the rest of my eyelid and outer corner of my eye. This color is one of my favorites on this palette. 
  5. Finally, I took the pink that you see from the palette and I used it as a crease color. The pink actually looks more like a cranberry color but I felt that it was a good accent for the look. 
  6. I finished off the look by doing a very thin line of eyeliner on my lid using my ELF cream eyeliner. I also applied one coat of the Maybelline Pumped Up mascara. 
There you have it!
This was my tribute to Skittles! I suggest topping the look off with a bright pink lip but only true Skittles fans can accept that challenge ;)

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