Friday, September 4, 2015

APPY SAVVY: 5 Apps for phones and computers that can help you conquer the hustle and bustle of college life!

No, I’m not talking about Tinder or Snapchat! College students are aware just as well as anyone else, if not better, of the “vital” stance of technology in today’s society. With technology playing a key role in the efficiency of day to day activities, it’s about time we start using our phones for something other than Facebook on the go!

1. The Calendar App
The calendar app is useful for organizing your entire day, thus allowing for a significantly reduced level of confusion! With the help of a calendar app, suddenly there is hardly anything hectic about a 10a.m. appointment with a professor, tutoring sessions, homework time, lunch with a friend, and club and organization meetings. In the morning just use your phone or computer to open up a calendar app and create a schedule for the day. Google Calendar is a great tool for this. The calendar app that comes pre- installed on iPhones is golden. It alerts you about your event 10-30 minutes in advanced so you’ll always remember what’s going on.

No more forgetting to take a trip to the Bio lab to drop off some papers! This app is especially useful for students who usually have a lot on their plates for the day and want to have a way to manage their time better. 

2. EasyBib
We all know that writing a works cited page for research papers in writing class can be extremely tedious. Even though MLA format is probably something that many of us have been introduced to since middle school and been practicing since high school, the correct format sometimes doesn’t stick to us. EasyBib makes it just that - easy! In less than two minutes you can have a perfectly structured citation for a source. Way better than following a model to handwrite all the citations for all of your sources! With EasyBib, you will always receive full credit for your works cited page in any class! EasyBib saves you a good chunk of time, especially considering that after writing an in-depth paper, students don’t want to concern themselves too much with a “perfect” works cited page - even a “decent” one might be setting the bar a little high. If you plan on taking some classes that require research papers throughout the semester then this app with be a lifesaver!

3. iBooks
This is an app that comes pre-installed on MacBooks and iPhones. This app is great for downloading and saving online versions of books. Imagine that you have a class that requires several classical novels, available for purchase at your campus bookstore. Who wants to pay for books that they likely won’t even touch during the semester? I’m being real here - I know that there are a handful of diligent students who will actually read the material expected of them, however, the vast majority will just let the books collect dust in their dorm rooms. Many students opt to just use the pdf version of these books for absolutely free, which sounds like a great idea. iBooks lets you keep all those downloads in one place. Yep, you don’t even need to bookmark any webpages - download the pdf version and move it to the iBooks collection. Now you have access to all the reading books for class with just one click!

4. Google Drive
Google Drive is a great way to keep all of your documents and presentations in one convenient place. You can carry Google Drive with you anywhere because you can access it on any computer, and thus, have access to essays, presentations, and such as long as you have uploaded it to Google Drive already. Google Drive uses a simple interface so you have your documents in your account in just seconds! Google Drive also makes class projects a snap - everyone in your group can view and edit a presentation and there’s also a chat feature so your group can talk about the project even if you can’t physically be with them!

5. BlackBoard
Keep track of updates from all of your classes by using a BlackBoard app. Maybe you don’t have your laptop on you and can’t get to a computer on campus in a hurry but you really need to check BlackBoard for class updates. Downloading the app can save you time and grief. Have access to updates and messages from professors, grades and such with just a tap of the screen. Students can’t afford to miss a beat in college! BlackBoard will keep you right on track!

Technology is what you make of it - use it efficiently and your time will be spent efficiently. The above mentioned apps will ensure that college students supplement their learning by providing tools that help students stay organized and work smarter, not harder!

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