Tuesday, September 22, 2015


I have this awesome light purple nail polish that I LOVE so much and really wanted to feature it again in another post so I created these 'purple harmony' nails! This design is peaceful and almost reminds me of nature because of the leaf vines I painted on my middle finger. 

The first thing I did was to apply a base coat and apply two coats of Full Steam Ahead from Essie (my favorite purple nail polish from them!) I didn't do any design on my thumb or pinky since I wanted to leave the plain in order to show off the true beauty of this super sweet and innocent color! 

Index Finger: 
On my index finger I took the gold nail polish from Sinful Colors (the one I raved about as my new staple) and I also took a tiny nail art brush and began painting these arrowhead-like shaped on the edges. Afterwards, I took a really small dotting tool and made dots inside all the open space. You can't see it too well because I should have done the design with white nail polish first and then went over it with the gold but I didn't want to paint white over that and then gold on top of that again in the case that I actually messed it up. Sometimes, it's better to leave well enough alone. 

Middle Finger: 
This is the nail that reminds me of nature. I took a thin nail art brush, dipped it in black nail polish and with one motion, painted two stems/vines that got thinner towards the tip. I then took the same dotting tool from before and used it to create tiny leaves on the vines. Super simple but super elegant and pretty! 

Ring Finger:
Finally, I painted this nail light blue - a color from Sinful Colors named Cinderella which is SUPER accurate! I took the nail art brush again and dipped it in the gold nail polish and painted an arrowhead (basically a triangle) by the tip of my nails. Once that dried I took the same brush and dipped it in white nail polish and made a smaller triangle inside the gold one. 

Expert tip: Clean your nail art brushes using nail polish remover - not water. Using water is a lost cause because it will barely clean the brush. 

There you have it folks! This post was short and sweet (just like my nails at the moment!) and I hope you'll get inspired to get creative and add your own flair to these nails!

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