Monday, September 21, 2015

31 Tips For Healthy College Living

College opens the doors to many opportunities for internships, networking, education, and even bad lifestyle choices! Follow these 31 tips to improve the choices you’ve been making: 

1. Replace breaded chicken with grilled chicken. 
This is a simple dining hall substitution you can make when ordering a sandwich or eating any meal given the choice between the two. Breaded chicken contains more salt, more calories, and more fat than grilled chicken since the skin is removed from grilled chicken. 

2. Go for frozen yogurt instead of ice cream. 
Replace that pint of ice cream from the grab and go section with a small cup of original frozen yogurt with fresh fruit on top. Frozen yogurt has less sugar than ice cream and the cups are usually smaller which allows for better portion control. 

3. Choose oil based salad dressings over creamy dressings.
I’ll admit, I’m a Ranch-girl…and Caesar-girl, and other deliciously creamy dressings-girl, however, these kinds of salad dressings may not have your best interests at heart. Oil based dressings are a healthier addition to your salad. They’re light and carry more nutritious calories. I’ve tried raspberry dressing over my salad and it’s absolutely delicious!

4. Substitute spinach for lettuce in your salads. 
It’s become common knowledge that leafy green vegetables are packed with nutritious elements - more so than other vegetables. I spoke to our previous on-campus dietician and she told me that Romaine lettuce is also a better substitution for Iceberg lettuce, which doesn’t pack as much of a nutritional punch. 

5. Enjoy a sweet treat once in a while. 
Okay, those with a sweet tooth (like myself) can’t stay away from sweets for too long! I know exactly how you guys feel but I also know that you know that sugary foods in excess will do more harm than good for our bodies. At the same time I’m not going to tell you that as a snack you’re allowed to eat an apple, some nuts, and carrot sticks because I’d hate to hear that myself. A cookie as dessert after dinner isn’t so bad - in my opinion, it’s actually just about right. Know what moderation means for you so you can avoid making not-so-sweet mistakes! 

6. Train yourself to enjoy tea without sugar. 
How many of you so-called “tea-lovers” actually drink tea without added sugar? It’s cool that you’re getting into herbal tea but it defeats the purpose if you’re going to add, like, three sugar packets every time you make it. Sometimes, sugarless tea can be an acquired taste and you’ll probably have to grow into it but in the end, it’s way better than your daily milkshake. 

7. Beware of bottled juice.
In recent years it’s become more and more evident that not all fruit juices are good for you. Many of them contain added sugar, which, like the tea situation, defeats the purpose of drinking something that should be good for you. Be a little pickier when choosing your juices - you can definitely end up skipping out on the unnecessary sugar.  

8. Need a boost of energy? Skip the coffee. 
How many coffee-lovers are reading this right now? Don’t hate me for saying this but coffee isn’t always the best way for you to pick up the pace or get off your butt. If you’re feeling drowsy and at a loss of willpower to actually do stuff then try exercising in your room to get the blood pumping. It doesn’t cost money for you to do 20 jumping jacks and you’ll instantly become more alert.

9. Join a fitness class at the rec center. 
If you can’t trust yourself to workout alone then joining a fitness class will give you motivation to actually show up and workout since you made a commitment to it. You’d be in a room with an instructor and a bunch of other people who want to get the most out of the class and you’ll look kind of stupid just standing there while everyone else is moving around. This is a great way to get in some exercise, which will contribute to your well being in the long run. 

10. Always allow injuries to heal completely. 
I get that you’re so excited to hit the soccer field again but running around on a half-healed ankle isn’t going to do you much good. If you’ve ever tried to to get back into the game with an injury that hasn’t healed properly you probably know that you’re making things worse for your injury. Please try to contain your enthusiasm at least for another few weeks. It’s great that you love being active but it’s in your best interest that you get back in the swing of things when you’ve definitely healed up properly. 

11. If it hurts, you’re probably doing something wrong. 
It’s very important to know when to stop a workout because continuation could lead to injury. There’s a possibility that you’re in pain because you don’t have the correct form or you’re pushing yourself to a level that your body isn’t ready for yet. In any case, this is a red flag for you to stop what you’re doing!

12. Drink plenty of water.
Whether you’re working out or not, you need to keep yourself hydrated throughout the day. Water does a lot for your body, including benefiting your skin and kidney function. Not taking in adequate water could lead to dehydration and passing out during a chem test most definitely is not fun! 

13. Start with small workout goals. 
Take your workout one step at a time so you don’t push yourself to exhaustion or injury. Like anything else, progress is a matter of time. Start off small and work your way up towards bigger goals. 

14. During allergy season, always have allergy medicine on you. 
Allergies can be the most annoying thing ever when you didn’t take your medicine so you’re sneezing up a storm in Multi-variable Calculus! If you don’t have time to take your medicine before you leave for class make sure you can grab it to go so you can take it before it gets worse. You’ll be able to focus better in class since you won’t have to look at lecture slides through itchy, watery eyes. 

15. Beware of sick roommates.
Don’t treat them like they’re flu-infested zombies but at the same time, be more aware of the fact that the two (or three) of you share a space so it’s easier for someone to catch a cold from someone else. In college, any time can be the worst time to get sick - mountains of homework, exams to study for, internship work - it sucks being sick when you have a lot on your plate! You and your roommate can take precautions to ensure that no one has more than a few sniffles in the morning. 

16. Drink plenty of water when sick. 
I said water, not Starbucks, even if the hot pumpkin spice latte tickles your tummy with warmness! Drinking water when sick can help calm or even prevent a fever. That hot latte probably isn’t looking so awesome now, is it?  

17. Have a steady supply of cough drops. 
Sore throat? Annoying cough? Rationing cough drops until your throat feels better? Yeah, we’ve all been there at some point. It’s the little things that add up to make us feel better inside. You may not think that cough drops are super essential but with a super stuffy nose, burning fever, and aching body, a calm throat is one less problem to worry about. 

18. Don’t party when you’re sick.
You already feel like crap and if you party too hard, you’ll feel even worse than crap the next day. I know, I know, you need a little pick-me-up despite the stuffy nose but if you involve alcohol and super loud music with your plans then I doubt you’ll give yourself a pat on the back in the morning. 

19. Know where health resources are on campus. 
This way, when you really need something you know exactly where to get it. The Health Center is definitely one of the places on campus you should be familiar with since it has a ton of resources for all your health related needs. 

20. Don’t hesitate to go to the Health Center when needed. 
Especially if it’s an emergency! This is also where knowing the exact location of the health center will come in handy. Your health is important and if you really need medical attention then you shouldn’t waste time getting it! 

21. Dress appropriately for the weather.
Don’t sacrifice comfort and your well being for fashion and looking hot. Short shorts and a tank top in the chilly autumn weather doesn’t sound found at all you’ll probably walk around shivering all day. Failing to dress appropriately for the weather can also result in catching a cold, which is completely avoidable. 

22. Sometimes, rest is the best medicine. 
You’ve got three exams to study for, four papers to write, and five different homework assignments due in two days but you’re feeling cruddy - like way under the weather. You’re probably wondering where you should start first but how about starting by taking some time to rest to regain your strength and focus is the best idea? This is the best way to go in this situation because you won’t be able to perform at half your best if you’re feeling this bad. 

23. Time out for a little bit. 
It’s okay to feel like you need to zone out for a few hours to gather yourself again. This is 110% fine because your mental health is just as important as your physical health. If you’re really feeling like you need a vacation from school work, your part-time job, your roommate, and your friends then take a mental vacation for a little bit. 

24. Talk to friends about your worries. 
It’s not good to bottle up your feelings inside for a really long time. Everyone needs some way to vent their feelings otherwise it’s like three angry raccoons clawing away at your brain. Your friends are your friends for a reason - because you trust them so you should be able to confide in them whatever is on your mind. 

25. Don’t spread yourself too thin.
It’s great that you want to get so involved with your campus but also know when to tone it down and and just manage what’s already on your plate. 12-hour days 5 days a week can get kind of extreme and super annoying super quickly so make sure you give yourself ample time to not worry about club meetings, classes, and such. 

26. Enjoy the preciousness of alone time once in a while. 
You’ve probably already realized or are starting to realize that when you can have some alone time it’s one of the best feelings ever. Don’t misunderstand - having some alone time is not the same as being lonely. Yes, you might love your roommate(s) but it’s healthy to require alone time once in a while and don’t be surprised if your roommate expects the same as well. It’ll give you time to collect your thoughts and compose yourself and just breathe on your own. 

27. Have one or two really good friends. 
You don’t need to be that kid on campus who’s friends with everyone and knows everyone. Having one or two really good friends is all you really need - a few people to rant to and have fun with who you can be completely honest with is probably better than having a colossal group of friends where someone has a problem with someone else and there’s drama. 

28. Develop a stress-coping method. 
Stress happens. Maybe not as frequently for some people as others but everyone feels the pressure once in a while. It’s important to have a strategy for dealing with stress when it comes up because you’ll already know how to deal with it so that you get right back on track. Many people listen to music, some like having a nice workout at the gym. Find what works for you in stressful situations so you’ll always bounce back quickly!

29. Develop a ritual for relaxation. 
You don’t have to be stressed out to need a little rest and relaxation from time to time. It’s completely healthy (and a great idea) to create a schedule for how you’ll relax when needed. Maybe you like giving yourself a facial while painting a sweet mani on your nails and kicking back to some Orange Is The New Black on Netflix. Believe me, Netflix and nail polish works wonders when you need some down time. 

30. Master the art of napping. 
We aren’t all going to have the ideal sleep schedule so napping during the day is a great way to re-charge before taking on another task. Nap smart by paying attention to how napping corresponds with brain activity. For example, taking a 60 minute nap will help you be able to recall facts that you studied better. Make your naps work for you even when you aren’t actually doing work! 

31. Interact with your college. 
Get out and participate in an on-campus event. These events are a great way to bring the campus community together and allow students to take a bit of time off and hang out with their friends. If there’s always something going on at your college then take advantage and get out a little bit. You don’t have to go to every event that pops up but take a look around once in a while.

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