Tuesday, September 15, 2015


PLL "How The 'A' Stole Christmas" Episode. Alison DiLaurentis is making her big appearance after a rough time as she walks into the song "Fight Song" by Rachel Platten.

For those moments when you want to throw your hands in the air and cry a little on the inside, your fight song is there to help you power through it all - like during these moments: 

1. You refuse to get out of bed for your 8a.m. class. 
Likely because you’re giving into your inner couch potato - or bed potato! You might feel like you’re punishing yourself by waking up to trudge to your bright and early class but you’ll feel so much better knowing that you managed to shake the yawns and be where you’re supposed to be. 

2. You’re at the gym and you have one more set of reps. 
Sit-ups, burpees, squats, deadlifts, bicep curls - you name it. There are very few things that feel more satisfying than a daily workout seen to 100% completion. Yes, it hurts and yes, your arms and abs are crying but no pain, no gain! This is when your fight song should come on in your head (or on your iPod!) so you can finish strong! 

3. When you have to do 20 real push-ups. 
Ummmm, I can do a maximum of exactly 5 and they aren’t even that proper…Needless to say push-ups for me, like many other people, are like punches in the face: so not fun and kind of painful! During my boxing class, students go through intense conditioning circuits and even though push-ups are my least favorite thing to do I manage to find the strength (from God knows where) to hit the mark. 

4. When you really don’t want to write that paper. 
Get pumped to get done with your assignments! The sooner you finish that ten-page paper, the sooner you can chill with Netflix and catch up on your beauty sleep. Once it’s all over you can breathe easy knowing you conquered that struggle. 

5. When you want to give someone the finger. 
Don’t let them get away with telling you what you can and can’t do. You might really just want to flip them off but this is the best opportunity to prove them wrong! Show them that “You can’t” are just words to you by fighting for yourself. Don’t count yourself out of the challenge just yet - or ever. You’ve got more fight than you think. 

6. When your dark side is trying to win. 
We all fall victim to one of those sulky moods where all we can think about are the negative experiences that we have. Only the mind can make negativity powerful. Get that fight song going for a quick pick-me-up and to remind you that you are so much more and have so much more to offer - it will all pay off eventually. 

7. When you need to seriously kick butt. 
On an exam, during an interview, during a competition - anything that you’ll need a little more adrenaline for. Get in the zone and stay focused on the task at hand. All that tension will dissipate and you’ll loosen up and be able to really concentrate or put your energy into making an amazing impression. 

8. When you just can’t. 
For those times when you’re completely out of everything and at any moment might even forget the first letter of your own name, your fight song will be there to help you recover from those dull moments. 

9. When your friends give you a lousy pep talk. 
Your fight song is probably the best coach you’ll ever have. Even when it doesn’t sound like your friend’s pep talks carry much weight, your fight song speaks volumes! Need some extra motivation? Need a bit of reassurance? You know where to go. 

10. When you’re looking for a confidence booster. 
You don’t need compliments on your hair or makeup and you don’t need a guy to notice how nice your outfit looks for a boost in confidence. Hold your head up high knowing that you have something to remind you that your awesome for reasons other than how you look. 

This piece was inspired by Rachel Platten’s “Fight Song”. If you’re looking for a mood booster, some reassurance, a green light, or even a source of inspiration, remember to play your fight song. 

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