Friday, July 17, 2015

(Image obtained from
So I'm a big fan of PLL and with the show in its 6th season it seems that we fans have been kept in the dark for far too long. So come on! Who's A???? 
  1. Aria??? It would be an interesting twist if A was actually one of the liars. Aria seems to be the most common option and for a short while I did think Aria was A because in my opinion she pretty much never really gets hurt. There was that one time on the Halloween Train when A put her in a crate and tried to push her off the train beaus A actually hit Hanna with a car and nearly killed her, A drove a car straight into Emily's living room, A injected HGH into Emily's ointment, causing her to have an ulcer, Emily also got a swim career-ruining shoulder injury because of A, Spencer ended up in Radley Sanitarium, need I continue? Also because of various tweets from producer Marlene King that painted Aria as an A suspect I, like millions other, thought Aria was A. HOWEVER, due to recent episodes it would seem that Aria can't be A...unless she can be in two places at once! A photo of A was taken (of course, we couldn't see A's face) by a photography studio where Aria was developing pictures. A was lurking outside the window he/she was caught on camera in while Aria was inside. 
  2. Wren??? Everyone says that Wren is A for dozens of reasons that I don't even want to list because there are quite a few including the fact that A seems to have access to medical records and since Wren is a doctor he can get those easily. Also, we don't know a lot about Wren's past so this is something the producers could easily just fill in if they reveal Wren to be A. HOWEVER, recent episodes show that A is clearly female! Is A actually a girl or is this just the producers messing with us to get us to think that A is female so we start pointing fingers at some of the female characters? Who knows? 
  3. Jason??? From a few seasons back I wanted Jason to be A. Ever since we found out that Mrs. DiLaurentis knew who ambushed her daughter but didn't report it to the police because she was protecting someone I automatically thought that the person she was protecting was her son, Jason DiLaurentis. It would make sense why she'd want to protect her son and we know Jason and Alison never had a good relationship as siblings. We also know that the summer Ali went missing Jason was hardly in control of his actions and still doesn't completely remember things clearly so anything could have happened!
  4. Charles DiLaurentis??? Everyone thinks that Charles is A but that the name 'Charles' is an alias for a character we already know since apparently Charles DiLaurentis killed himself at a young age. But did he really? On PLL the dead never stay dead - Mona? Alison? Toby? And I have a hunch that a few other characters we thought were dead and gone will return towards the end of season 6. What if Charles DiLaurentis is a way to connect a character to the identity of A? Maybe digging up Charles' past will give us clues as to who A really is. It would seem that that is exactly what the liars will be doing in the episodes to come. 
These four people are my guesses for who Big A really is. I really would have liked to list out all the reasons for why these people could be A but you and I both know that there aren't enough hours in the day for that! You can always go on YouTube and check out some A theory videos. Some of them really got me thinking while others fell VERY flat. Who do you think is A? =) 

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