Friday, July 17, 2015

Before I started packing for college I watched numerous YouTube videos on dorm thoughts and experiences and was warned multiple times to not pack your entire closet. I tried to follow the YouTubers' advice and I picked out pieces of clothes that I knew I'd wear (or thought I'd wear). Turns out two semesters later that I overpacked! Here's a short guide to make sure that in the event that you overpack (like I did!) you bring with you pieces of clothing that you will definitely need!

  1. Comfy sweatpants: This is a definite cuz there will be times when you just feel like wearing sweatpants and a shirt to class so having a few pairs handy will definitely be...handy! When I have to take an exam for a class I like to dress as comfortably as possible so a pair of sweatpants is something that I grab. I like sweatpants from Hollister and Pink which come in fun colors and are super comfortable!
  2. A Blazer and button down: You will probably have to interview for an on-campus job OR at least have an event on campus where you need to dress professionally so packing a blazer and a nice shirt is essential! I did NOT do this my first semester and regretted it because I had to claw through what I brought with me looking for something that might be appropriate for my interview. Thankfully, I managed to find a teal button down that I paired with solid black cotton leggings and a nice looking pair of ankle booties. That was close! Just be sure to pack even JUST ONE thing you'd wear in a professional setting. 
  3. A very light jacket: Something like a nice utility jacket is great. I went to college in my state, New York, and there were some days that looked nice and sunny but were actually pretty chilly. Bringing a light jacket allows you to combat the chilly weather while still not bundling yourself up like a snowman for 65 degree weather. 
  4. Pajamas: Don't forget your pajamas! You'd be surprised what people accidentally leave at home when packing for college; I've seen people forget their bedsheets and pillows at home, bath towels, and bathrobes - don't let pajamas be one of them! I don't know about you but I do not find sleeping in jeans very comfortable! 
  5. Basic leggings: I think basic leggings are becoming a closet staple, especially since nowadays some people like to wear leggings as full blown pants (I am one of those people!) Leggings are a versatile piece that you should pack with you. In #2 I told you that I paired basic leggings with a button down for an interview - this is a good use of leggings! They are plain and very simple, pair them with heels, a blazer, and a nice top and you have a sophisticated look! Also, they are great for wearing to the gym if you decide to do a workout. Some schools have policies where you aren't allowed to use the exercise equipment without proper attire on - leggings are completely permissible! Leggings are also easy to throw on comfortable! 
I hope you found this list helpful! I can't tell you every single piece of clothing you need to bring with you to college because everyone is different and has their own style. I might think that muscle shirts are a must but you might not (I love muscle shirts!) Likewise you may think that jeans are necessary whereas I wouldn't (I hate wearing jeans and will never pack them to college with me! See?) =)

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