Friday, July 17, 2015


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Hey y'all! This page will be full of random fun things of any category and my food obsessions will be one of them! For the last two weeks I have been loving this Chobani Coconut Greek Yogurt! First off, I LOVE coconut flavored things but I HATE the texture of coconut! When I first saw this I wanted to try it out because we all know that plain Greek Yogurt is extremely tart but good for you. I was keeping my fingers crossed that there was no shredded coconut in this cup and...there was! BUT there, surprisingly, wasn't that much of it! The amount of shredded coconut in the yogurt was tolerable even though I don't like shredded coconut. 

This yogurt seriously tastes really good! I've opted for this over ice cream for the last two weeks!!!! I'm SO serious about that!!!! Pinky swear!! I'm not saying that this yogurt is as sweet as ice cream (that would just counter the benefits of Greek Yogurt, wouldn't it?) but it definitely was like a treat to me and satisfied me enough to not even look at ice cream. 

I also bought the Chobani flips where there was the yogurt on one side and sliced almonds and dark chocolate pieces on the other. I pick out the almonds because I'm allergic but sometimes I don't even add the dark chocolate because the yogurt itself is a treat! I glanced at the nutrition label one day and saw that this yogurt contains 13g of protein!!! Sadly, there is about 20g of sugar in this (Awwwwwww!) Looks like I made a good call not having that ice cream with this! 

This yogurt does not keep you full for very long at all. This morning I had one cup of this yogurt for breakfast and left the house to go to Costco. Halfway there and I was starting to feel hungry again! Usually, though, I'll have this yogurt with a cup of sliced bananas or green apple slices, which keeps me full a little bit longer. 

All points considered I still recommend this yogurt to anyone who is willing to try it! If you can get past the insane amount of sugar in this yogurt then this could be your go to! Since eating this yogurt I haven't really touched any sweet snacks! Believe me I used to grab at cake and cookies and would eat any chocolate that was in the house but, surprisingly, I haven't in the last two weeks! Def give this yogurt a shot and maybe you'll be loco for coco! 

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