Friday, July 17, 2015


I, like many other fans, have my own theories about the characters on the show so I decided to do a post about that! 
  1. Shana and Maya are twins: There has been lots of talk about twins being revealed on the show and people who read the books before watching the series know that in the books A was Alison's twin sister so when rumors of a twin surfaced and a mysterious girl named Bethany Young hit the series everyone thought that Alison and Bethany were the twins. I never liked this idea much. Now with Charles DiLaurentis' true identity unknown so far fans are throwing around the idea that Charles and Jason are the twins. That would be pretty obvious...I think that Shana and Maya are twins! That's right, I don't think Maya is really dead! As for Shana, though, she is def dead as a doornail. Shana was probably A until she was killed by Aria  (who was trying to protect her friends from Shana). Recall that A didn't start tormenting the girls for a while after Shana's death. Maybe during that time Maya was finding out about her twin being killed and enlisted in the A army. I don't think that Maya is BigA or UberA (or whatever the head honcho is called on this show) but I would love to see Maya part of the A team. 
  2. Wren and Ian are twins: Remember Ian? Melissa's husband who tried to kill Spencer in the bell tower only to be shoved over by Alison and then the body mysteriously vanished but Melissa always thought Ian was still alive? She enlisted Wren's help (her ex) to get medication to Ian because she wanted to know where he was hiding. The biggest and probably only reason I think that Wren and Ian are twins is because Wren insisted that he go with Melissa to see Ian. Wren and Ian's connection was never clear and it didn't appear that they even knew each other! So why would Wren insist on only giving help as long as he was able to see Ian? I think they are twin brothers but that secret was always kept hidden or maybe only Wren knew but Ian didn't. Don't ask me who I think the parents are cuz I have no clue! But I think this would be interesting, maybe a little unnecessary, but interesting. 
  3. Leslie Stone was Spying on Aria at Hollis: Two episodes ago we got a glimpse of A's figure (but not A's face! Aww!) spying on Aria at Hollis' photography room. In the picture A is 100% female but then that leaves the question of which of the female characters is A. The show is trying to make it look like Lesli Stone is A but where the hell was Leslie Stone in seasons 1, 2, and 3?? We only saw her when Mona "died." We do know that Lesli is psycho but I really don't think she's A. I think that she wore the black hoodie so as not to get noticed spying on Aria. Why was she spying? Then again why did she have unassembled human-sized cages in the trunk of her car? Who knows!?!?! But I think that depicting A as female was done on purpose by the producers to throw us off. That was probably Lesli. 
These are three theories/predictions that I have for PLL. I don't know if anyone else has thought the same as #2 and #3 but I know that more than a few people also think that Maya and Shana are twins. I can't wait for the next episode of PLL and I DEFINITELY can't wait for the mid-season finale!!!! 

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