Monday, July 20, 2015


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Hey again! I'm back with another product review! This time I'm reviewing the Veet Gel Cream. It's one of those creams that promise easy and painless hair removal within five minutes! Golden, right? I, like billions of other girls and women, have accidentally nipped myself with the razor MORE THAN A FEW TIMES trying to shave my legs. Plus, sometimes I'm just feeling so lazy and I don't want to bust out a razor. I had wanted to start using these hair removal creams since I was in high school but my mom always cautioned me against them saying that she tried one a while back and it gave her a rash (she has very sensitive skin) though I was convinced that my skin wasn't as sensitive as hers. 

A couple of months ago I bought this same gel cream and was super excited to try it out in college. I was thinking goodbye razors! This product claims to be fast-acting; you leave it on for a minimum of just 5 minutes! It also claims to leave a smoothness that lasts up to 2 times as long as shaving. The formula that I purchased was the sensitive formula with Aloe Vera. No, I wasn't looking specifically for a sensitive formula, this just happened to be the first formula I saw and grabbed. By the way, that thing in the picture on the left side of the bottle that looks like a handle is actually a spatula that comes with the product that you're supposed to use to remove the cream after 5 minutes. 

So basically you apply a good amount to your legs (or any where you want to remove hair from) wash your hands, wait 5 minutes but up to 10 minutes then use the spatula to scrape off the cream, thus removing the hair. You also have to make sure you immediately wash the area thoroughly with cold water!!!! So onto my thoughts: 

  • Legs feel smooth: This product definitely left my legs feeling smooth and hair-free! I definitely noticed that my legs remained hair-free longer than they would have if I had shaved with a razor. I somehow have super leg hairs that grow stubble like two days after shaving but after using this product I was stubble free for at least a week and a half!!!! That's seriously crazy, but it definitely felt good to not have to think about shaving before throwing on a skirt for a good two weeks! 
  • No rash: This product did NOT leave any rash on my skin after washing off (God bless!)  
  • A lot of product: The bottle is kind of big and even though I didn't use it all up I can definitely see it lasting a good six months maybe. 
  • Annoying smell: This product definitely has a kind of strong and annoying smell to it. It doesn't smell like coconuts and passion fruit but rather...chemicals. The scent isn't nauseating - it's tolerable but would've been cooler if it smelled a little better. 
  • BURNS: Okay let me say this: you know that any hair removing product that claims to get the job done in like five minutes is HELLA STRONG cuz it has some HELLA STRONG chemicals in there and I bought this product FULLY AWARE OF IT. This product burns a little when you apply it and while you wait for it to work its magic. At first you just feel a kind of tingle but it turns into a burn as the hair raises from its roots. It wasn't an intense burning feeling but it was enough to make me antsy and NOT want to wait out the full five minutes before removing! 
  • The spatula process is slow: It's actually more tedious than you might think it is to remove the cream using the spatula. If you're using the cream on like your armpits then this isn't so bad but on a larger surface area like your legs it's work yo! I'd much rather quickly wipe it off with a rag or tissue or something but the instructions say to scrape it off with the
  • Kinda itches: Thankfully, this didn't leave a rash on my skin BUT after I washed it off with cold water some areas of my legs felt kind of itchy. Even though I scratched there were still no rashes or anything but I definitely feel like these are very powerful chemicals if the SENSITIVE formula leaves an itching. The itching is, however, temporary and subsides within twenty minutes or so. 
This gel cream leaves my skin with a silky smooth feel and look that really lasts! It's just a shame because I will NOT be repurchasing this product =( Honestly, the entire thing is time consuming. I wanted a quick way to de-hair my legs and thought this would be faster than a razor. You need to take time to slather it onto your legs, wait the five minutes MINIMUM, take more than five minutes scraping the cream off with a spatula, then you have to make sure you can jump in the shower to wash it all off THOROUGHLY. I honestly feel like a razor is a little faster than applying cream hair removers. The burning feeling and the itching just tops off my problem with this product. If the process wasn't tedious then despite the burning maybe I'd feel like powering through this. 

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