Thursday, October 22, 2015

'Pretty in Pink' Nails

I was really feeling PINK this week, especially because I felt the color would look great with my all new BLUE HAIR!! But in all seriousness I decided to think pink this week for a couple of reasons: 

First off, my weekend was extremely busy and I really didn't have the time to create any elaborate nail art *sad face* so doing this was extremely simple yet it looks somewhat elegant and girly. 

Second, yesterday I got to meet Author and New York Times columnist Charles M. Blow at a special Breakfast and autograph signing that took place at my college! My plan was to wear a light pink blazer that I had bought that weekend and I thought these nails would look great with it! 

Lastly, my college is doing something pretty awesome right now - they're fighting for a cure using the #CollegeForTheCure on Instagram. Students take a picture of something pink and post it to Instagram with the #CollegeForTheCure. For every picture posted $1 is donated towards finding a cure for Breast Cancer. I decided that pink nails would be a great way to help the cause! 

The gold glitter nail polish I used is from Pure Ice and is called Studette. This can definitely work as a stand-alone nail polish and it's one of my favorite glitter polishes to wear. If you don't apply a coat of a solid color before applying this nail polish then you will definitely have to apply at least 4 coats of nail polish in order to get the opaqueness you're looking for. 

The pink nail polish I used is New York Color's Preppy Pink which is definitely one of the coolest pinks I've ever used. It's very pigmented and dries quickly and it costs no more than $1! 

In the picture all the way on the left you see an...interesting design on my thumb nail. Originally, I had intended to just have baby pink polka dots on that nail - which is exactly what I did! However, my plan to add polka dots was pretty impulsive and so I painted them on my nail about one hour before going to my boxing class. Obviously we certainly aren't standing still during boxing! I got my wraps on, got my gloves on and got down to business! Unfortunately for me, by the time I took my gloves off, the pink polka dots had become deformed and smeared. 

I kind of anticipated this, however, since there are NO mistakes in art (thank you to my first grade art teacher for teaching me that) I decided that I'd have to roll with what I have and just find a way to work with the smears. I took white nail polish from New York Color and grabbed my really thin dotting tool and got to work! All I did was smear tiny droplets of the white nail polish over the pink nail polish smears and voila - the design on my thumb nail was born! 

This is a design that you will get a ton of compliments on because it's classy but the glitter adds just enough oomph to the look! 

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