Thursday, October 15, 2015

19 Misconceptions About College Students

Don’t you just hate being guilty by association? Because you’re a college student everyone just assumes that you do all this stereotypical “college student stuff” when in reality you don’t even do half of what society thinks you do. Time to crack down on some of those stereotypes society paints on college students. Some of this is true to some extent however it doesn’t apply to every single college student in America. 

1. If you’re in a Bio class you’re definitely pre-med. 
Yes, bio is a requirement for pre-med students, however, it doesn’t mean that everyone there plans on going to med school. In the first place, there’s also dental school, vet school, and nursing school. Second, there are other majors that require natural science courses for completion. Kudos to you if you plan on going to med school but it’s annoying to be asked why you’re in chemistry if you aren’t pre-health…

2. If you’re on your laptop during class you must be on Facebook. 
Okay, not every college student has a Facebook, thank you very much. I have a professor who always assumes that if a student is typing on his or her computer during class then they have to be “Facebooking”. Maybe it’s true but maybe it’s not. They could be, oh I don’t know, typing notes from lecture

3. You drink coffee to stay awake. 
Not everyone drinks coffee, some of us prefer tea. Sure, a lot of students drink coffee - especially if there’s a Starbucks on campus that accepts meal points - but you’d be surprised by how many students actually say they don’t have coffee. Just because we’re staying up till 3a.m. doesn’t mean we chugged 3 Venti coffees. 

4. To de-stress you smoke. 
Umm, there’s also something called “music” and “exercise”. It can be so annoying when people assume that when you just want to take a load off it means that you’re going to grab some buddies and smoke for a while. Many of us have never even touched a cigarette or a vaporizer and furthermore, with all the resources available on college campuses there are many other methods of relaxation. 

5. You have definitely been to a party. 
My freshman year when I hung out with my best friend (who went to a different college) and her younger sister, I was accused of being a “liar” because I said I haven’t gone to a college party. Excuse me but I didn’t realize there was a rule that said all college kids had to go to parties! It’s your choice if you want to go to college parties but for those of us who choose not to why should we be harassed about our supposed lack of truthfulness? 

6. You’ve hooked up with at least one person. 
Sadly, I have heard people say that one thing they hope to get out of college is a hook up. College isn’t about that kind of thing and shouldn’t be. Yes, you’re expected to network but not that kind of networking! Stop being surprised when people tell you that they have never hooked up before. 

7. Everyone lives on campus. 
Many people have this idea that the ultimate college experience is dorming on campus and everyone does that. Even at a college where the majority of students are residents, there is still a good chunk of students who commute. Sometimes commuter students who attend a school that is majority residential students can feel left out. Instead of asking someone you just met “what quad do you live on?” ask them if they commute or dorm first. 

8. You sleep in and miss your first class of the day. 
This is a big misconception that paints college students as uncaring and irresponsible. Sleep is valuable but many students still get up in the morning to get themselves to class on time. Not every student with an 8a.m. class is doomed to miss it. 

9. You don’t know how to do laundry. 
While it may be true that some people do their own laundry for the first time while in college, more people than you think already knew how to wash clothes without shrinking anything or running colors so jokes about turning white shirts pink don’t really apply to them. 

10. Everyone has a boyfriend or girlfriend. 
You see couples strolling through campus while holding hands. In fact, you might see it so often that you’re inclined to think that everyone on campus is dating someone. A huge percentage of the college population dates, however not everyone is currently dating. There are some students who are single and ready to mingle! 

11. You hate the college you attend. 
Well if your hatred for your college is so much of a distraction then feel free to transfer out. College is one of the most spirited institutions you will ever spend your life at - many students are proud to be where they are even if they don’t always say it. 

12. You only go home for the holidays. 
A misconception is that the typical college student is home only for Thanksgiving, Christmas, Spring Break (unless they’re in Cancun), and Summer. Despite this, there are many students who go home as frequently as every week. Of course, for many students who are from other states or countries this is not a possibility for them but bear in mind that there are actually some students who make frequent trips home. 

13. Everyone does well. 
Not at all. There will be those occasional students with a 4.0 but not everyone does well in college. Maybe they don’t realize that the major they chose isn’t doing them any justice or maybe they lack motivation to set themselves up for success. Maybe they don’t know how to set themselves up for success. It’s not surprising to have students who have performed badly according to the university’s standards. 

14. Economics and Business majors take the “easy way out”. 
I had a conversation over the phone with my best friend about majors at her school versus the ones at mine. She said it annoyed her that so many people were pre-med but after a year decided to be Business majors or Economics majors instead to take the “easy way out”. You can imagine how much that annoyed me because I’m an Economics major. Don’t assume that everyone looks for the easy way out. Sure, it’s nice for life to be easy as pie but some people have a genuine interest in the field and it’s unfair to label them as slackers.

15. Science majors are obviously super smart. 
First of all, everyone of every major is smart. Second, our brains work in different ways. Some people can comprehend science quicker and easier than others while some struggle with it but are good at other things. Just because Biology is your declared major doesn’t mean you’re great at it - you can still struggle with it. 

16. Everyone gains 15 pounds their freshman year. 
While Freshman 15 is a popular college myth that can catch a handful of victims every year, there are some people who don’t gain weight their first year of college. Some people jokingly credit that to their small meal plan which keeps them in check and dissuades them from buying that pint of ice cream for dessert every night. 

17. Everyone studies at the library. 
It’s a well-liked place to study, however, there are avid studiers in every crevice of campus if you really pay attention. At my school, some people like the toned down vibe of the lounge near our on-campus Starbucks - I can definitely vouch for that! Others have found more interesting places to study and call their own. 

18. You don’t know enough about what’s going on in “the real world”. 
It’s the assumption that college kids are more concerned with how they look in their new profile picture than the current state of the economy. There are many students who follow current events very closely and can tell you in detail about the "hottest topics" circulating the world in politics, business, and such. 

19. You don’t need help. 

This is a big point in your life when you could use all the help you can get. Whether it be navigating resources on campus, help for a particular class, or deciding on a career path your university is there to help you through it. College has many tough decisions and it’s only the beginning of them! 

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