Sunday, October 18, 2015

How To Make the Perfect Fried Oreo

Whoever thought that dipping cream-filled cookies in batter and deep frying it in greasy, fattening oil would be a fabulous idea...thank you. I truly appreciate your genius. I made these delicious little treats yesterday when I went home for the weekend and, if I do say so myself, they came out looking and tasting amazing! No one in my family could stop at just one or two! The idea behind fried Oreos is that you dip an Oreo cookie into a batter of flour, milk, sugar, and an egg. I have seen people use pancake mix in place of those ingredients. Here, I'll share my secrets to amazing fried Oreos!

1. Replace whole milk with buttermilk. 
I usually substitute buttermilk for regular milk in my baking because buttermilk gives my cake or cupcakes an overall more moist texture. The buttermilk in the fried Oreo dipping batter definitely gives the dough a lighter and slightly buttery taste, which is good because you don't want a doughy taste to ruin Oreos for you!

2. Less is more - go light on the sugar. 
If you're making your own batter for dipping the Oreos in, you might not want to go sugar-crazy. Oreos are already sweet and you don't want an overly sweet fried dough to accompany it. I used just three tablespoons of sugar in my batter to accompany 1/2 cup of flour.

3. Don't be afraid to get your fork dirty. 
I used a fork to help coat the Oreos with my batter. Once the Oreos were covered, the slits in the fork let the excess batter drip back into the bowl. You don't want too much dough around your Oreo. I also used the fork to lower the Oreo into the hot oil. My fried Oreos came out looking really neat using this method.

4. Go for the gold. 
You want the dough to turn slightly golden brown when frying - that's when you know you've hit the mark! The dough is perfectly cooked and the cookie will be nice and gooey on the inside. Make sure you don't burn them! They will not take too long to get to that light golden brown!

Follow these four tips and you'll just about have perfect fried Oreos in the palm of your hand!

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